IVR / Phone Message Greetings
The purpose of an IVR is to allow incoming callers to access information through a voice response system of pre-recorded messages without utilizing the menu options or speaking to an agent
For most businesses, the IVR is the first voice that their clients hear. It’s indeed the voice that represents most brands and businesses
It is therefore of utmost importance to get a skilled voice-over narrator to record a great message for your IVR. Having had several years of experience in creating exceptional voice-over audios, Gary will use his natural male American voice to create audio that will act as the first point of interaction between callers and your business.
Gary is highly meticulous which explains why he takes his time to understand every script before deciphering the best tone and style that suits your business and target audience.
Gary does his recordings in a professional studio environment which boasts of the best professional equipment required for voice-over recording. Gary is also a time-conscious professional who always strives to make each client happy by delivering top-quality work within the required timeframe.
Call Gary now at 530-552-1196, send an email to gary@garymiddletonvo.com or use the contact form on this page to get more information about my services.
Phone Messages: How to Choose the Most Effective Voice Types
There are four different voice types that can be effective in a phone message system: the announcement voice, the instructional voice, the conversational voice, and the friendly voice. The announcement voice is usually used to provide information about the company or organization. The instructional voice is used to provide instructions for how to use the phone system or to complete a task. The conversational voice is used to create a personal connection with the caller. This type of voice can be used to answer questions, provide customer service, or take orders. A friendly voice can be used to make the caller feel welcome. A friendly voice can be used to respond to queries, provide customer support.

What is the Distinction Between IVR and a Phone Message System?
IVR is the newest entry into the business phone systems and what it is can be confusing. It stands for interactive voice response. IVR systems are used to manage telephone calls by allowing customers to interact with a computer system using their voice. This can be used to connect the caller with the right person/department or provide information, take orders, or provide support.
Some common users of IVR systems include banks, airlines, hotels, and government agencies. But even small businesses today use IVR systems to facilitate their phone calls.
Phone message systems are different than IVR systems in that they offer a smaller range of options to the caller. Phone message systems typically just allow the caller to leave a message.
Phone message systems offer a few key benefits that businesses should consider. First, phone message systems are less expensive than IVR systems. Phone message systems are easier to use than IVR systems. This is because they typically have a more limited range of options, which makes them simpler to navigate. Phone message systems can be used in conjunction with other types of call management systems, such as caller ID and call waiting. This allows businesses to more effectively manage their telephone calls.
Some Uses of the Voicemail Voiceover
Voice Mail
On Hold Message
Business Phone
Call Prompts
Personal Phone
Voice Greeting
Telephone System
IVR System
Answering Machine
Cell Phone Message
Google Voice Phone

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